Why you should become an entrepreneur ?
Today, I bring to you a presentation about entrepreneurship. I’m going to start by telling you a little bit about my journey. Just like Andrew mentioned, you have to remember your journey and your story. My journey to life and its endeavors started at the age of eight years old, where I was just a little girl in Jamaica, one of the poorest on the street that I grew up on.
My mother was a single mom of three children, and she wasn’t able to financially support us without us participating in helping her to support us. You see, at the age of eight years old, while my mom was teaching us how to make homemade candies and sell them, how to sell newspapers for an extra two dollars in profit, and how to cook in a kitchen in a restaurant to help make extra money, little did I know that that was the start of my journey to becoming an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is something that’s truly important to me, and the reason why it is is because it was something that was instilled in me from a child growing up. I didn’t realize that until later on in many years. Now, I’m a mother, a CEO of multiple companies, an author, a philanthropist, and I’ve recently been engaged.
I want to tell you guys something. Even though life was not easy for me, I wouldn’t choose a different path. The reason why I wouldn’t choose a different path is this: the woman you see in front of me today, her journey was decided and determined by that young girl at 8 years old. So, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I know you have a past as well.
I know you have a path that you have traveled, and I would like to inspire you today to tell you, never regret your path, never regret your past because it is what is there to lay out for you to follow and create that future for you. Now, I want to give you a little bit about entrepreneurship. I don’t know what your circumstances are today and what you are doing today, but if you’re in the nine-to-five world, the path of an entrepreneur versus a nine-to-five employee is completely different. It’s like night and day, and it’s a good way. See, when you are nine-to-five and you are going to work for someone else, you can’t determine your own hours.
You are being told how to do what you need to do. You’ve been told when you need to show up to work. You don’t have any time with your family, and you will basically need time off if you need to take a vacation.
Now, as an entrepreneur, I want to tell you something. Being an entrepreneur gives you the freedom to become who you need to be, to travel the world, to live a luxurious lifestyle if you choose to be, and also to give you more time with your family and your friends.
What is the most important asset we all have today? Can you name it? If you may say money, car, or house, well, I can tell you something. You are wrong. The most important asset that we all have as a human being is our time.
We can’t get it back. We can always buy a new house. We could always buy a new car. We could always spend money on new things and get back money, but one thing I value the most, and you should too, is your time. See, when you share your time with me, as Loren mentioned in the previous messages, relationship matters, and you spending your time with me, you spending your time with your family, you spending your time with your friends, that is the most important thing and the most important asset that you can have.
So why trade time for money? See, being in a nine-to-five world, you’re trading your time for money. You’re giving up your freedom so that you can get a little bit of money. Why not learn a new skill so that you can become an entrepreneur? I’m here today to encourage you that whatever you’re doing for your occupation, do something that you love.
Do something that will bring you freedom, that will bring you joy, do something that will give you back your most valuable asset and give you the power that you will never need to rely on anyone else. You see, the greatest man in this world is the one who controls his own time. That’s the greatest human being. If you have to trade time for money, you are not living the best version of your life. You are not living life how you should live it.
Take your time back and take your power back by becoming an entrepreneur. Now, let me give you a few benefits of becoming an entrepreneur. As I mentioned before, it gives you a flexible schedule. Who wouldn’t want a flexible schedule with your family and your friends, to travel the world, to be able to live how you would like to live, never have to write in a request again for a day off or vacation time or stuff like that? It also gives you the ability to create your career that is aligned with your values.
Can you imagine working in a job that you don’t like, even the boss you don’t like, your day-to-day task? Now, with the ability to create a career that is aligned with your values, that is something that is amazing. You will be able to work and not feel like you’re working. You will be able to live and not feel like you have to get up every day and do something that’s daunting. You will be able to create the career that’s based off of what you value the most, not what others value, but what you value.
See, it’s very important to know what you stand for and to be able to live for that. Can you imagine doing a job that’s totally against your value system? That’s one of the benefits of being an entrepreneur. Then you have constant growth and development. You see, everything in nature grows naturally.
Everything in nature flows naturally. So, if you are having constant growth and development, what would that be for you? What would that say for your lifestyle? What would that say for people who are actually watching you growing and developing yourself every single day? It is very important that we invest in ourselves, as Loren mentioned, that whatever goes deeper must come out.
With constant growth and development, I can say this to you: you are going to implement stuff in your mindset that’s going to help grow you, that you will be able to shine that on your outside. That is a wonderful benefit as an entrepreneur. The next thing they said is that the sky is the limit, but I’m here to tell you something. I’ve created a quote that says, “They said the sky’s the limit, but when you’re in the sky, there’s a sky above the sky.” That means there’s no limits to life and what you can achieve.
Go out there and be the best version of yourself and become an entrepreneur today so that you too can be amongst the stars. Now, another thing about being an entrepreneur. I know there’s COVID going on right now, as you see. So many people have been affected by COVID. At least 80 to 90 percent of people have lost their job because of COVID.
Now, you would have been in a different boat had you chosen to become an entrepreneur. But if you were an entrepreneur before COVID, I promise you it would have been one of the best years yet. But if you are in a nine-to-five and COVID affected you and affected your job, now is the time. Right now is the opportunity for you to take that and become an entrepreneur. You see, the universe works in mysterious ways.
COVID may seem like a pandemic here to set us back, but it’s actually here to free us and liberate us and put us in our time-space continuum. Meaning that with you being laid off from your job, you have more time to become an entrepreneur. You have more time to study and learn a different craft. You have more time to build a legacy for you and your family. If you die in a nine-to-five job, you’re leaving bills and debts for your family.
But if you die as an entrepreneur, your legacy lives on. Another benefit of being an entrepreneur is, you get to meet like-minded people. Like-minded people are very important to a quality of life. My mentor and coach Les Brown says you should always associate yourself with only quality people, OQP. Now, it’s very important.
If you’re in a nine-to-five job, you may can’t pick and choose your friends. But once you choose to become an entrepreneur, you can choose to be in a circle of people that support your dreams and that support your vision. Only quality people. Now, you will be able to experience unexpected and thrilling experiences around the world. Let me give you an example of what that means.
I was just recently in Dubai where I got engaged. I know many people say they get engaged in Dubai, but it wasn’t planned. But had it not been for my entrepreneurial lifestyle, I wouldn’t be able to even go to Dubai! learn more here https://www.youtube.
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